
Disarray! Brawl Breaks Out At County Republican Meeting … from Crooks & Liars Conover Kennard

Fists flew between a self-described First Amendment advocate and a conservative radio personality at a Saline County Republican Committee meeting in Arkansas. Others piled in, trying to break up the fight. What started the fight? That depends on what source you read. However, dysfunction and chaos are a common theme when reading about Saline County. Chaos ensued in a fight that started between Jimmy Cavin and Johnathan Newcomb.

The Saline Courier reports:

“Last night’s Saline County Republican Committee meeting devolved into chaos, culminating in a physical altercation between two individuals, along with heated verbal exchanges among others throughout the room,” they stated. “We call on the Republican Party of Arkansas to take immediate action to remove this dysfunctional leadership and abolish the group that has betrayed our conservative principles, and portrayed our county a deeply unfavorable light. Saline County deserves better – A Republican Committee that truly reflects strength, unity, and a commitment to the advancement of conservative values without selfish motives or agendas.”

The dysfunction has been ongoing, though, for quite a while:

The Arkansas Times reports:

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