Why Republican Senator Thinks Electing Trump Will Be A TOTAL FIASCO … from Crooks & Liars Susie Madrak

Jeff Flake, in endorsing Kamala Harris the other day, was clear that he’s seen too much of Trump and knows he won’t respect the rule of law and will attack our democracy. Flake, like other Republicans who’ve chosen to stand with their country over party–Joe Walsh, Geoff Duncan, Adam Kinzinger, Liz Cheney, isn’t perfect, but he’s showing courage at a key moment.

Which begs the question: Where the hell are the rest of them? There are many GOP leaders who are actually alive and have rejected Trump! Don’t they get there are no half measures!? Mitt Romney, who’s intimated Trump may come after him, John Boehner, Lisa Murkowski, Jeb Bush…and a bunch more we discuss in the video…where the hell are you? Speak now, or you may have to forever hold your peace. Not in a good way.

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