Fox And Friends Loses It After NY Times FINALLY Questions Trump’s Sanity … from Crooks & Liars John Amato

Monday morning, Fox and Friends got irate with the New York Times for an article asking if Trump’s mental acuity has diminished.

The Fox and Friends trio attacked VP Harris for going on friendly media outlets like The View, Howard Stern and Stephen Colbert.

Co-host Brian Kilmeade all but claimed Harris couldn’t form a coherent sentence — and then launched into his resentment of the NY Times.

KILMEADE: Her prompter stopped on Friday and she kept repeating the same 32 days four or five times.

Yet the front page of the “New York Times” last night — and maybe it’s today’s that just broke last night — is Donald Trump mentally okay? He just spoke for an hour and 45 minutes in front of sixty to a hundred thousand people. He does three interviews a day, he is going to do a whole bunch, he’s doing WABC this morning, he’s going to do a whole bunch of interviews all week. And they’re like, is Donald Trump okay, why doesn’t he do a cognitive exam?’

Dong off-the-wall interviews with MAGA cultists and rallies does not make a Trump’s mind a safe haven of metal acuity. For five years Fox News attacked candidate and President Biden’s mental health with hyperbolic vitriol.

What took the NY Times to start printing some truth about Trump?

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