Hovde Lets His Christian Nationalist Flag Fly … from Crooks & Liars Chris capper Liebenthal

With just under a month to go before the election, every poll consistently shows that California banker Eric “Pornstache” Hovde is trailing Senator Tammy Baldwin by five to seven points. Hovde is also catching a lot of flak for being a carpetbagger, having money stashed in the Cayman Islands and having dealings with an irreputable Mexican bank that deals with drug cartels. Needless to say, old Pornstache is feeling a bit desperate these days.

So, Hovde did what any Trump-loving, hate-filled Republican would do – he hoisted his Christian Nationalist freak flag fly!

He preyed on the fears of his base by drumming up their transphobic and homophobic bigotry.

Hovde started out by accusing Baldwin of asking for and getting funding for an agency which he accused of providing gender-affirming care without notifying the parents:

During a Sept. 16 appearance on the Vicki McKenna Show on 1310 WIBA, Hovde dogged Baldwin for a federal earmark she requested for a Madison-area organization that serves at-risk youth

In doing so, Hovde claimed, Baldwin “gave our taxpayer money to a transgender clinic, affirming clinic — which is their buzzword — that does it without even telling parents.”

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