Patriot Front Does Hurricane Cleanup For Propaganda Videos … from Crooks & Liars Susie Madrak

(I never get tired of showing the classic Philadelphia welcome Patriot Front got a few years ago when they decided to march in our city on July 4th.)

But they’ve softened their tactics. Now the neo Nazis are showing up to help white storm victims in Florida. The seeds have been sown there for the past several years, after all. Via the Wall Street Journal:

Exploiting public confusion, grief and communication breakdowns, white supremacist groups are now showing up in vulnerable storm-ravaged communities in Florida and North Carolina. They blend in among the many legitimate church or other charity workers that have rushed in to help. But these militia groups offer aid while filming propaganda videos that both amplify falsehoods about the government response and help the groups remake their image as patriotic civic organizations for men.

Horseshoe Beach Mayor Jeff Williams said he didn’t realize, until after a call from a Wall Street Journal reporter, that the group was Patriot Front. Williams said he went online and looked them up after the call. “Plain as day, they are white supremacists,” he said, adding that he would have never known by their trim looks. “Typically when you see white supremacists, they are not as clean cut looking as what I saw.”

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