Report: Trump Hotel Overcharged Secret Service By 300% … from Crooks & Liars NewsHound Ellen

When Donald Trump says “America first,” what he really seems to mean is that the U.S. is his first grifting target. Besides duping Americans into believing he’s a great businessman and patriot, the felonious fraudster and sexual predator “has used the presidency—and his years-long pursuit of it—as the world’s greatest get-rich-quick scheme.” That’s a quote from a new report by House Democrats.

C&L reported in 2022 that Donald’s chip-off-the-old-fraudster block, Eric Trump, was caught lying when he claimed that the family company “often gave Secret Service agents their hotel rooms ‘at cost’ or sometimes free. Eric claimed they provided steep discounts for the security team to stay at Trump properties.” In fact, the opposite was true, as per The Washington Post.

Democrats on the House Oversight and Accountability Committee were only able to crunch numbers from Trump’s Washington, D.C. hotel and only for 11 months of Trump’s term, from September, 2017 to August, 2018. What they found in that small window was shocking.

The Washington Post explains:

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