Tim Pool Ends Podcast To Concentrate On Non-Existent Family … from Crooks & Liars Ed Scarce

Another Russian asset finds it hard to make ends meet after it was revealed who was paying him, upwards of $100,000 per week according to the Department of Justice. Pool hasn’t been charged, unlike some in the sprawling indictment but that could just be a matter of time. Whatever the reason for Pool ending his show (that employed thirty full and part-time staff), it certainly wasn’t for “family reasons” as he doesn’t have one.

Source: Boing Boing

Six weeks after professional beanie wearer Tim Pool was revealed to have been a very useful idiot for a Russian influence campaign, the unfortunately-popular right-winger announced plans to step down from his streaming empire to focus on his family.

The problem is that Tim Pool doesn’t have a family—a detail that he himself admits in the announcement below:

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