Kamala Harris Tears Into Trump For Calling The U.S. A ‘Garbage Can’ … from Crooks & Liars Conover Kennard

On Friday in Houston, Texas, Vice President Kamala Harris tore into Donald Trump’s description of the United States, claiming this country is “like a garbage can for the world.” We’ve never seen a former president who loathes this country as Trump does before.

“We’re like a garbage can, you know, it’s the first time I’ve ever said that,” Trump said in Tempe, Arizona. “And every time I come up and talk about what they’ve done to our country, I get angry. First time I’ve ever said garbage can, but you know what, it’s a very accurate description.”

Harris tore into Trump, calling his rant “another example of how he really belittles our country.”

“I also do want to address the comment that Donald Trump made about America being the trash can of the world, whatever he said, something along those lines,” the vice president said. “You know, it’s just another example of how he really belittles our country.”

“This is someone who is a former president of the United States, who has a bully pulpit, and this is how he uses it?” she continued. “To tell the rest of the world that somehow the United States of America is trash?”

“And I think again, the President of the United States should be someone who elevates discourse and talks about the best of who we are, and invests in the best of who we are, not someone like Donald Trump who is constantly demeaning and belittling who the American people are. America deserves better,” Harris added.

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