Mark Cuban Swats Down Cavuto’s MAGA Talking Points … from Crooks & Liars Heather

I’m surprised Fox keeps allowing Mark Cuban to appear on the network, because he’s been one of the better Harris surrogates when it comes to taking apart Republicans’ and Trump’s nonsense. Cuban made an appearance on this Saturday’s Cavuto Live, and dismantled host Neil Cavuto’s lame attempt to pretend Biden’s approach to tariffs has been the same as Trump’s. They haven’t. Biden’s have been targeted.

Cuban reminded viewers about the damage Trump did to soybean farmers thanks to his trade war with China. He also shot down Cavuto lying about Harris’ proposal on taxing capital gains.

CAVUTO: Let me step back and get your sense of tariffs, because a key part of Donald Trump’s new economic initiative, if he gets back in the White House, is to slap severe and huge tariffs, largely on China, the likes of which we’ve never seen.

Now, I know Kamala Harris has been critical of that, but by and large, the Biden administration with her have kept most of the tariffs that were in place under Donald Trump, under them as well.

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