AOC, Gov. Walz Play Madden On Twitch While Pitching Voters … from Crooks & Liars Susie Madrak

Tim Walz teamed up yesterday with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for a campaign appearance on Twitch as they played video games and AOC promoted a McDonald’s conspiracy involving Donald Trump. Can you imagine J.D. Vance doing this? Via The Independent:

AOC began the stream with a tour of her own farm in the mega-popular indie game Stardew Valley before being joined by Walz shortly after. The stream was part of the Democrat’s effort to turn out younger voters while peeling young men, in particular, away from the former president.

Walz and the New York congresswoman played a quick quarter of Madden 2025 before pivoting to a straight interview format. The two talked policy issues such as housing and abortion rights, and discussed topics including the challenges and opportunities faced when one legislates with a razor-thin majority.

They also tore into both Donald Trump and JD Vance for recent campaign appearances by the pair, including Trump’s spiritual journey to a McDonald’s franchise where the ex-president used the fryers and other machines, had an apron put on him and stuck his head out the drive-thru to talk to the media.

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