It really is remarkable how often these accusers turn out to be guilty of the same thing they’re always accusing everyone else of. Via LGBTNation:
Aaron Craig Gleason, an anti-LGBTQ+ writer who has accused queer people of “grooming” children for sexual abuse, has been arrested and charged for molesting a child under the age of 12.
Gleason, a 39-year-old middle school teacher and soccer coach who has written for the anti-LGBTQ+ media outlets The Daily Wire, The Federalist, and The Imaginative Conservative, was arrested on January 28 by police officers in Okaloosa, Florida. He has been charged with the “lewd and lascivious molestation of a child under the age of 12 by a person over the age of 18” and was held in jail on a $75,000 bond.
The Daily Wire has already removed Gleason’s author page from its website, but the Internet Archive has preserved the page. It reveals that he wrote two articles around 2022 about current Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. The Daily Wire and its numerous contributors have long claimed that LGBTQ+ people and their allies are “indoctrinating” and “sexualizing” children through public school education and media.