Geezer Trump Can’t Remember Sen. McConnell Had Polio … from Crooks & Liars NewsHound Ellen

CNN fact-checker Daniel Dale spent more than two minutes correcting the nearly 79 year-old Trump’s recent stream of delusion.

First up, Trump’s inability to recall that Sen. Mitch McConnell had polio. McConnell has “talked about it for decades,” Dale noted. Yet after McConnell raked over the coals Trump’s quack pick for HHS secretary, he said about McConnell, “I have no idea if he had polio.”

But that was just a fraction of Trump’s lost grip on reality. He repeated the falsehood that he won the youth vote by 36 points over Kamala Harris. Dale correctly added that Trump did not win the youth vote at all, much less by 36 points.

The old guy still can’t accept that he lost the 2020 election, “fair and square, legitimately,” as Dale put it.

Gramps didn’t do any better with foreign affairs. He falsely claimed that the U.S has provided “hundreds of billions” more aid to Ukraine than European countries have, collectively. “According to a German think tank that studies this issue closely,” Dale said, the reverse is true, “both in terms of committed aid and the aid that’s actually been allocated.”

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