While Unvaxed Die Of Measles, CDC To Waste Money On Vax/Autism Study … from Crooks & Liars NewsHound Ellen

There is already strong scientific evidence that there is no connection between vaccines and autism. But, in the midst of one of the largest measles outbreaks in a decade, fueled by declining vaccination rates, the unqualified hack Donald Trump decided to put in charge of our country’s health, i.e. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., is spending taxpayer dollars with yet another study of vaccines and autism.

Rather than, say, saving lives and the health of Americans by promoting the MMR vaccine right now, Kennedy and his boss are suggesting it’s untrustworthy by starting this needless study.

It feels like 2020 all over again except in this case, we already have the vaccine.

Via The Washington Post:

The request for the study came from Trump administration officials, said the two people familiar with the plan, who spoke on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retaliation. President Donald Trump and Health and Human Services Secretary Robert F. Kennedy have repeatedly linked vaccines to autism.

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