Donald Trump lashed out at Washington Post White House correspondent Michael Birnbaum after he asked if Vladimir Putin was disrespecting him by attacking Ukraine while Trump was claiming he is starting the peace process.
When asked the question, Trump played possum and made believe he didn’t know what Birnbaum was talking about even though last week Demented Donald said he was unhappy that Russia was “bombing the hell out” of Ukraine.
TRUMP: A lot of people died this week, as you know, in Ukraine. Not only Ukrainians, but Russians. So I think everybody wants to see it get done. We’re going to make a lot of progress, I believe, this week.
BIRNBAUM: Is President Putin disrespecting you by attacking Ukraine when you’re trying to make peace there?
BIRNBAUM: Is President Putin disrespecting you by attacking Ukraine when you’re trying to make peace there?
TRUMP: What did he do?
BIRNBAUM: Well, he’s attacking Ukraine.
TRUMP: Is he disrespecting me?
TRUMP: Who are you with?
BIRNBAUM: I’m Michael Birnbaum from Washington Post.
TRUMP: You’ve lost a lot of credibility.
TRUMP: Who Go ahead. What else? Where’s our camera? Robert, go ahead.