Karoline Leavitt Knows Nothing About History, Part Infinity … from Crooks & Liars Chris capper Liebenthal

White House mouthpiece Karoline Leavitt was holding a lie to the press session when she was asked about the French wanting the Statue of Liberty back. Her response was pure, unmitigated, arrogant stupidity:

REPORTER: So, is President Trump going to send the Statue of Liberty back to France?

LEAVITT: Absolutely not. And my advice to that unnamed, low-level French politician would be to remind them that it’s only because of the United States of America that the French are not speaking German right now. So, they should be very grateful to our great country.

I think that Archie Bunker once said that exact same thing.

If Leavitt had actually gone to school and paid attention to something besides her reflection in a mirror, she would have picked up on the fact that the United States owes France a lot more than they owe us.

Yes, it is true that the United States, along with Great Britain, Russia and other members of the Allied nations beat back Nazi Germany.

But it is also true that without France, there wouldn’t even be a United States to begin with. They bankrolled a large part of the Revolutionary War, including sending troops, warships, and fighting England on several fronts. Did she think the Flying Spaghetti Monster just dropped the country in the middle of the ocean as is?

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