The Chatter Box Jazz Bar in Indianapolis caters to the LGBTQ community. Not a place where you would expect to see any homophobic MAGA snowflakes. But one night, a MAGA woman walked in there looking for trouble. She was being rude and belligerent, misgendering the bar staff and generally being a bigoted bully.
She then left and came back in with her camera running. However, the staff were done with her bullshit and told her to leave. The woman was shocked when they said that they didn’t want her money and only kept asking her to leave. Totally nonplussed, the woman did leave, mewling that they were discriminating against her just because she was a supporter of the Orange Felon. I can’t even imagine someone, especially a woman, worshiping a rapist and thinking they aren’t a piece of shit.
I have news for the lady, when the Christofascists went to court because a bigoted baker didn’t want to make a wedding cake for a gay couple, well, that opened the door for normal people to refuse service to Nazis.
But one thing she didn’t count on was that her video would go really viral when Brent Terhune got wind of it. He makes several good points – everything from showing support for the Chatter Box on Yelp and whatnot since MAGA is trying to bully them more. And make sure that you are an ally to those that need it right now. We must remember we are all in this together and the only way we’ll win is if we support each other.