There’s a dirty little secret nobody in the media wants to talk about: Elon Musk is so over-leveraged, with his dunderheaded purchase of his Nazi megaphone—Twitter. Ya see, he used Tesla shares as collateral, so if Tesla stock keeps crashing–and it sure seems like it will–it’ll be “Margin Call, Line 2!”
But it hasn’t stopped the doofus from working overtime to destroy our government, an focus in on programs that most benefit… MAGA Republicans! Medicaid, Veterans’ Benefits, you name it. The result? Once Elon fanboys, MAGA mooks have turned against him, which you can see in this video at a town hall w/ Rep. Hageman (R-WY). Wyoming may be the most Republican place in the country. And, yet, this town hall turned into something resembling the WWE, with the crowd loudly chanting “Deport Elon.” Ruh roh, Republicans.
Of, course, Elon being Elon, he still thinks he’s the victim here. What an absolute tool. Check out the video! And Support Indie Media by SUBSCRIBING to Cliff’s Edge! We don’t have billionaires and we’re proudly not corporate media. So we need you to continue to grow our presence & impact!