Trump: ‘I Did A Great Thing’ For Women With Roe V. Wade … from Crooks & Liars NewsHound Ellen

Something tells me that Trump’s condescending lecture to women about laws that are literally killing them is not going to help him close the gender gap.

Here’s what the felonious sexual predator said on Fox Nation:

TRUMP: And so the women thing – I did a great thing. Long term, and I think they’ll understand – on the Roe v. Wade, I did a great thing.

Sorry, Donald, but you’re the one who doesn’t understand. You’re not just horrible on women’s reproductive freedoms, your personal misogyny oozes out of you just as much as it did on the Access Hollywood video where you boasted about grabbing women “by the p***y.”

Let’s hope by November, he finally gets it. Because we women are saying “Hell no!” to his pro-death policies.

Trump: And so the women thing. I did a great thing. They’ll understand. On the Roe v. Wade. I did a great thing

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