Donald Vowed To Release His Medical Records. We’re Still Waiting! … from Crooks & Liars Conover Kennard

Donald J. Trump has promised many things that have yet to come to fruition and likely won’t. Age became a talking point in reelecting President Joe Biden. Still, if elected, Donald would be the oldest President by the end of his term, and his mental decline has been displayed on numerous occasions—on Truth Social and whenever a microphone is in front of him.

In late August, Trump said following a would-be assassin’s attempt that he would “gladly” release his medical records. Donald claimed he just had a medical exam and received a “perfect score” on two cognitive tests, which he insisted he “aced.”

“I got everything right,” Trump said. “And one of the doctors said, ‘I’ve never seen that before, where you get everything right.’ No, I have no problem. I’d go a step further, I think anybody that runs for President, whether they’re 75 or 65 or 45, I think should take a cognitive test.”

Via The New York Times:

The New York Times requested a copy of those records. A spokeswoman for Mr. Trump eventually referred The Times to a one-page letter that his former physician, now a Republican member of Congress, wrote a week after the assassination attempt, describing the bullet wound to his ear and its progress in healing. The Times sent numerous follow-up questions. She did not reply.

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