MAGA Mike Johnson Blames Dems For His Failure To Govern … from Crooks & Liars Heather

House Speaker Mike Johnson tried to blame Senate Democrats for the need to resort to another continuing resolution to fund the government, rather than pass the poison pill voter suppression SAVE Act they tried to insert in their budget legislation.

Here’s Johnson on this weekend’s Fox News Sunday making excuses for his refusal to bring the House back in session to pass more funding for FEMA even though there’s another storm about to hit Florida, and blaming Senate Democrats for the failure to pass legislation to fund the government, even though that legislation has to originate in the House, and ignoring the fact that they all knew full well no Democrat was going to go along with their attempt to steal another election by making it harder to vote.

BREAM: Well, and we’ve got now the storm, Milton, that’s being tracked in the Florida Gulf. May land there is a category three later this week. So DHS Secretary Mayorkas has said they don’t have money to get through what they need for the rest of this hurricane season.

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