Alito Sure Does Love Watching Texas Women Die! … from Crooks & Liars Tengrain

The right-wing goons on Scotus lean hard into their Dobbs decision.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Monday let stand a decision barring emergency abortions that violate the law in Texas, which has one of the country’s strictest abortion bans.

Without detailing their reasoning, the justices kept in place a lower court order that said hospitals cannot be required to provide pregnancy terminations that would violate Texas law.

If any of you were wondering if the SCOTUS regretted their Dobb’s decision, this is your answer. They will support all anti-abortion laws, everywhere. The only way to get out from their Christian Taliban-like theocracy is to reform the court, which means elect Democrats up and down the ballot. Additionally, we need a nationwide law legalizing abortion, and ultimately some sort of amendment to the Bill of Rights/Constitution. And we need to protect contraception, too.

And know this: they will not stop with women, every demo is in their scopes. If I were a betting man, I would say LGBTQ people are next, when they are done with The Skirts.

We the lowly peeples have the power to fix this travesty if we choose to use it.

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