Pressure Builds On Ballot Drop Box Thieving Mayor … from Crooks & Liars Chris capper Liebenthal

As the gentle reader is aware, Wausau Mayor Doug Diny took it upon himself to go for his 15 minutes of fame by absconding with the city’s ballot drop box, depriving his constituents their right to vote by using it. A week later, Mayor Dingleberry returned the drop box but then came under investigation by the District Attorney’s Office. He tried to blame the city clerk for his getting in trouble.

Well, Diny’s week just kept getting worse and worse. A group of concerned citizens went to Madison and submitted a formal request for the US Attorney’s Office to look into the case of the purloined ballot drop box. At the same time, back in the Wausau City Hall, Wisconsin Department of Justice agents arrived and formally took control of the District Attorney’s investigation.

When she learned that the DOJ was in the building, Common Council President Lisa Rasmussen sent out a memo to city employees asking them to cooperate with the DOJ agents. Tiny Diny didn’t do himself any favors by lashing out at Rasmussen for taking appropriate actions:

She is completely outside of her authority to direct and speak on behalf of the city or put out information for self-serving purposes. Rasmussen clearly does not have enough to do at her State Farm Agency job. If she wants to be mayor, she should consider running in 2028.

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