Little Towns And The Big Lie Equals Bad News … from Crooks & Liars Chris capper Liebenthal

Last May, I reported on two small, podunk towns in Wisconsin who decided to illegally remove their electronic voting equipment. They did so because some professional election denier came along and filled their little MAGA heads up with The Big Lie, especially how voting machines were being tampered with by space aliens with bamboo shoots or some other nonsense like that.

Disability rights groups and the US DOJ came down on them like a ton of bricks.

The Town of Lawrence was already in negotiations with the feds even before the lawsuits were filed. Their agreement was filed the same day as the lawsuit was.

However, the town of Thornapple decided to do things the hard way. Last week they hit the find out stage of things when a federal judge made it clear to them that they were criminals:

A preliminary injunction issued Friday by Chief U.S. District Judge James Peterson for Wisconsin’s Western District, states that the town’s clerk and three-member board of supervisors violated the Help America Vote Act, or HAVA, by failing to provide at least one “voting system equipped for individuals with disabilities” at its single polling place in the April 2 and Aug. 13 elections.

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