Trump Bashes Lincoln: If I Was President The Civil War Would’ve Never Happened … from Crooks & Liars John Amato

On Fox News, Trump was asked by a 10-year-old who his favorite president was, and he said Abraham Lincoln, but didn’t understand why he hadn’t settled the issues before the Civil War started.

In between the doting and the fussing over traitor Trump’s ego, the Fox and Friends sycophantic crew had a few people ask the former guy some questions. Fox News producers had 10-year-old Daniel on, thinking it would be cute, but it was cringeworthy.

DANIEL: I’m Daniel and I’m 10 and I’m from Tennessee. What was your favorite president when you were little?

TRUMP: So I liked Ronald Reagan. I thought he was, look, I didn’t love his trade policy.

I’m a very good trade policy … I’ve made some great trade deals for us the USMCA, but that wasn’t his strength, but he had a great dignity about him Ronald Reagan. You could say there’s our president more than any others – really any of the others

Great presidents?

Well, Lincoln was probably a great president. Although I’ve always said why wasn’t that settled?

You know, I’m a guy that it doesn’t make sense.

We had a civil war.

HOST: Well, half the country left before he got there.

TRUMP: Yeah Yeah, but you’d almost say like why wasn’t that… (got confused) …As an example Ukraine would have never happened and Russia if I were president Israel would have never happened. October 7th would have never happened as you know

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