California Banker Is Clueless About Wisconsin Farming … from Crooks & Liars Chris capper Liebenthal

Wisconsin is an agricultural state. Wisconsin leads in growing cranberries and ginger. You can’t travel in rural Wisconsin in August without seeing a corn roast. Every spring there are strawberry festivals. And Wisconsin potatoes are just as good, if not better than, anything from Idaho. And the state’s dairy air cannot be beaten.

But a banker from California wouldn’t know about such things. Apparently, there’s not many farms or dairies in Laguna Beach. So why would Eric Hovde even give a fig about what’s in the farm bill? By his own admission during Friday’s debate, he doesn’t know what is in it. But that didn’t stop him from trying to bullshit his way through the question:

PANELIST: Congress has failed to approve a new farm bill which expired at the end of the month. This puts funding at risk paid to the Wisconsin farmers and the supplemental nutrition program known as food stamps. What will it take for each of you to vote on farm bill?

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