Scott Jennings Goes Full Misogynist … from Crooks & Liars John Amato

On Monday’s CNN Late Night, Trump supporter Scott Jennings turned nasty against Catherine Rampell, CNN’s economic advisor.

Jennings called Rampell clueless and then whined that she had no reason for being on CNN except to trash Trump going to McDonald’s.

The long segment discussed Trump going to McDonald’s and how that relates to the working class economy. Rampell’s comments throughout showed she deeply understands Trump’s policies, minimum wage, and other economic issues affecting workers.

Her knowledge frustrated the jackass Jennings, so he decided to berate her intelligence.

Jennings wailed that McDonald’s workers get more than the minimum wage ‘thing.” This wasn’t the topic of discussion, but Jennings tried to change the subject.

JENNINGS: This whole minimum wage deal. You know, the average wage at McDonald’s is already between like 14 and 17 bucks an hour. They don’t make minimum wage. They already make beyond that.

Everybody’s been carping on Trump for the minimum wage thing.

RAMPELL: Well, it hasn’t been increased since 2009.

JENNINGS: I know. But this corporation, but this corporation is already paying people beyond that, according to the Internet that I was able to research while we were sitting here.

So I think it’s an unfair attack on Trump, this minimum wage worker issue.

[Rampell was discussing the entire working class and the minimum wage, not just McDonald’s]

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