Another Republican Uses Rent-A-Family For Campaign Ad … from Crooks & Liars Ed Scarce

We’ve seen this sort of cynical nonsense before, most recently with Virginia congressional candidate Derrick Anderson. Darrell Davila is locked in a tighter than expected Texas House race and apparently doesn’t want to take any chances by appearing childless.

Source: Texas Tribune

For those who did a doubletake watching state Rep. Caroline Harris Davila’s campaign ad this weekend, no, those are not the Davilas’ kids.

The Round Rock Republican on Friday released an ad about protecting kids and improving school lunches, ending with Harris Davila and her husband, Darrell Davila, posing with four children. However, the kids are constituents.

In the ad, Harris Davila says she’s protecting “our future,” and she’s seen patting the smallest of four kids on the back while smiling and talking with the other three.

In the final shot, she picks up that boy while Darrell Davila puts his arm around the second-smallest boy, smiling for the camera.

The idyllic family shot puzzled Capitol watchers who were unaware of that Harris Davila nor Davila, the chief of staff to Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, had children.

Reaching out on behalf of the Harris Davila campaign, consultant Jordan Berry told The Blast that the kids and woman featured earlier in the ad are constituents.

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