Marco Rubio Calls Generals Kelly And Milley Liars … from Crooks & Liars John Amato

Senator Marco Rubio of Florida called Generals Kelly and Milley “liars.” Really.

Kelly and Milley have backed up their assertion that Trump is a threat to US democracy, by referencing their previous work in the Trump White House.

Rubio also claimed that these US generals are lying because they are looking to ‘get a big payday.’

RUBIO: I look at the stuff about General Kelly that they, you know, the Democrats, like I remember Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker called them corrupt.

Pelosi launched an investigation into him. They said all kinds of horrible things about him when he worked for Donald Trump. So, how do you cleanse yourself of that and allow yourself to become employable and viable in the business world after you leave government service?

You have to become anti-Trump. So there’s a financial incentive here for these people when they come out and say these things.

I was no fan of right-wing General Kelly, but when a military leader and Trump’s Chief of Staff calls him a fascist, that’s news. Gen. Kelly is 74 years old and is not facing bankruptcy like Rudy Giuliani. He has a 45-year pension to fall back on, so he doesn’t need the money, lil Marco, like you do.

The last point that I want to make about this is how interesting that these claims that were made this week pop up with a week and a half to go before the election.

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