Rep. Crockett Lays Out The Entire GOP Modus Operandi … from Crooks & Liars Chris capper Liebenthal

As the gentle reader is assuredly aware of, one of the GOP’s latest faux outrages is claiming that FEMA ran out of money and couldn’t help victims of the Hurricane Helene. And, as is their wont, they escalated this faux outrage to the point of demanding hearings. Well, Representative Jasmine Crockett (D-Texas) was not in the mood for their bullshit and came in and rocked the room:

This oversight committee voted against the bill to keep FEMA funded and nine are in states that were directly hit. I don’t understand why we come in and pretend that we have all these issues with your agency, and I thank you for your service, when you don’t want to fund it. You can’t complain about these issues and when we’re talking about, you know, the people that got skipped over maybe or maybe not, ultimately there was a concern about safety. Now hopefully we will get the full investigation, but we know that it was Trump that was out there himself. He was putting out disinformation and misinformation to the extent that y’all had to set up an entire website to try to combat it. That was in disservice to all Americans because when a hurricane hits it doesn’t go into the democratic areas. It doesn’t go to the independents. It doesn’t go to the Republicans. It goes to American citizens. It is time for us to decide that we are going to work together and make sure that we can take care of people regardless of the decisions that they decide to make on who they want to put into the White House and I thank you for your service and I yield.

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