Steve Bannon Whines About Democrats Doing What Republicans Did … from Crooks & Liars John Amato

Traitor and Christian nationalist Steve Bannon whined on his seditious podcast that Democrats were now taking a page from Mitch McConnell’s playbook when Obama was elected and are slowing down and blocking every Trump nominee from moving forward.

Memo to Steve. Democrats are the opposition party. If Trump had nominated people even somewhat qualified, the process would be moving forward.

Trump is trying to install his fellow brownshirts into office to undermine the US Constitution and protect him from his illegal and immoral actions in all ways.

BANNON: So Tulsi and Bobby, or Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., out of that.

Looks like they’re going to go to the floor.

Looks like they’re going to win.

Russ Vought.

And as we’ve told you, on the resistance, the Democrats are now slowing everything down.

This is why we played Indivisible on Rachel Maddow the other night, because they’ve taken the playbook of McConnell from 2009, the early days of the President Obama situation, where McConnell really grinded the Senate, tried to grind the Senate to a halt.

That’s what’s happening now in the U.S. Senate.

All of President Trump’s nominees going forward are going to take forever.

The second and third tier, things like Monica Crowley, a protocol, all these others, because 1,000 have to be confirmed, approximately.

The Senate’s going to grind. Russ Vought. They’ve been up all night using this 30-hour rule.

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