Venezuelans Backed Trump… Now He May Deport Them … from Crooks & Liars Red Painter

Venezuelans overwhelmingly supported Donald Trump. How did he repay them for helping re-elect him? He revoked their TPS and they may be facing deportation.

See, he only wanted their vote. He TOLD THEM that he only wanted their vote. They chose to ignore the words coming out of his mouth. But now he is doing exactly what he promised he would do – MASS DEPORTATIONS!

The Washington Post is reporting that the Department of Homeland Security has canceled the temporary protected status given to hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans who have arrived in recent years, meaning that many will lose protections that President Biden extended to them.

A large coalition of Venezuelans are located right outside Miami in an area known as “Doralzuela.” Even if they could not vote, they “decorated their front lawns with Trump flags, and took to social media to support the man they thought would prioritize removing Nicolás Maduro from power.”


A Venezuelan American immigration lawyer and Army veteran named Jonn De La Vega said “the Venezuelan community gave President Trump their support. This is completely different of what I thought it was going to be.”

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