Wyoming Legislature Chairman Gets A Dose Of His Own Medicine … from Crooks & Liars Red Painter

A body of the Wyoming legislature voted that preferred pronouns cannot be “compelled speech”, so a caller to their open hearing decided to prove their point.

She called their MALE Chairman as MADAM Chairman, which he did not like.

His response? “You can call me MISTER Chairman, if you want”

She responded: “Well, I cannot be compelled to use your preferred pronouns…”

He responded: “We are talking about preferred pronouns, a lot of people are, I prefer to be called CHAIRMAN French. That is my preferred pronoun.”

She explained: “I know. And you all voted that preferred pronouns cannot be compelled speech.”


Chances of them getting the connection AT all? Zero. Maybe less than zero. But she tried and that is awesome.

Pronouns for me for not for thee.

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