Watch as Jamie Raskin does what Jamie Raskin does best. He tears the skin off of Jim Jordan, while also grievously mocking him. An utter work of. art, Raskin’s like a Picasso of MAGA-moron defenestration.
Yes, Raskin humiliates, rips into and all around makes a fool of Jim Jordan–who you’d think would be pretty used to it by now. But the added bonus is Jordan’s like a goldfish, he can’t seem to remember he get his arse handed to him on the regular, so he just keeps walking right into it. And for him, each ass-kicking is a whole new experience! Which makes them all even more fun to watch, particularly when he’s schooled by someone so far out of his league as Raskin.
Check out the video–and be sure to stand up the social and corporate media billionaires the only way we can–by supporting independent media that challenges them. Subscribe to my channel–for free–and you give me that much more ability to keep taking these SOBs on.