Yes, Trump fought the mic and the…mic won. Watch the rage envelope Trump’s face after the reporter accidentally hits him in the face with the boom mic. He’s such a pathetic, emotionally-ill-equipped narcissist. A man-toddler. And he makes life or death choices. Well done America.
The key is desperately insecure babies like him HATE mockery. Which is why we must do it that much more. It makes him obsessed with it, and if he’s obsessed with that, he’s off his game, or not even participating. So fewer people are getting hurt.
But it’s also hilarious–especially as David Shuster shows it from multiple angles, and then in slo-mo! Also David uses it as a metaphor for how Trump’s been getting smacked around by the courts lately. And it’s quite apt. I just hope the mic got to take a shower after touching that spray-painted, sweat-collusion known as his face.
So watch the video and laugh! And then remember to support independent media–the only media that’ll get us thru this period and potentially out on the other side as a democracy–by SUBSCRIBING to Cliff’s Edge, so we can keep creating content like this.